One effective way my team and I have found to “attract fish to our nets” is to use a “Three Door” Display.
This wooden “3 doors” has been a great way to get people to stop and talk about Jesus!
It’s very simple. We merely set it up on the street or on campus, and people will come up to us to ask if they can “open the doors” to see what’s inside.
If we see someone walking by read the title of the display, and they appear curious, we might ask them, “Do you want to give it a try to see the answers?”
It’s a fantastic way to transition into a fruitful gospel conversation!
As an example, you can see in the photo to the right that God used the “Three Doors” to get me into a productive conversation about Jesus and the Gospel with Hailey and Rachel at the University of New Hampshire.
Once you’re in a conversation, you can use a tool like “The Good Person Test,” to keep the conversation focused on the person’s dire need for Salvation in Jesus Christ.
Please feel free to download “The Good Person Test” at:
It is also a good idea to have Bibles, evangelistic DVD’s, and evangelistic books on hand to give away to anyone who appears open.
It’s also effective to give away good gospel tracts to everyone who walks by. In a short period of time, gospel tracts could get in the hands of literally hundreds of people! That’s exciting!!!
For tips on how to effectively use Gospel Tracts, and where to get them, please check out:
When the person opens each door, this is what they will find behind them…
Please feel free to click on the graphic to enlarge!
What You Need:
How to Build:
This is what it looks like setup:
And this is what it looks like folded up for travel:
Bellow are images that you can use to print to be behind the doors. I suggest using “God Cannot Lie” first, “God Cannot Let Lawbreakers Into Heaven” third, and you can take your pick for the second one. (I personally use “God Cannot Be Unjust” because it will be useful later if the person says that God should let everyone into Heaven. Then you can reference that you already established that God can’t be unjust.)
Right-click on the images you want to use, and save to your computer to be printed. You should be saving PDF files.
Below is the Title to be printed on a large-scale printer. Right-click on the image and save to your computer to be printed. You should be saving a PDF fils.
I pray that this is a blessing to you as you go out into all the world to be fishers of men!
Please feel free to contact me with questions!
Thank you for your prayers, notes of encouragement, and financial support. Without all of those, we could not be reaching the lost for Jesus Christ!
Please feel free to share this with others you think would be encouraged by it, and who will pray!
all for Jesus,
Mark (and family)
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