Welcome to our site!

We are the Sohmer Family:

Mark, Shelby, Vivienne, Juliana, Caleb, and Gabriella.

And we’re honored to be serving Jesus Christ as Missionaries in New England with Open Air Campaigners.

We invite you to please take a few minutes to watch this video that shows the many ways Jesus uses us and the ministry of Open Air Campaigners.

Many more videos are available on our YouTube Channel!

We Love God
We Believe in God

And that makes us love people, created in His image.

How much do you have to hate someone to withhold the greatest news from them?

Where We Minister…

On the Streets:

The visual appeal of our paint board often makes people stop to listen to our gospel message.

In the Subways:

People from literally all over the world pass through the subways and many stop to listen to us. We have lots of fruitful one-on-one conversations, and we give out literature in over 30 languages. Terrific mission field!

The Inner City:

Kid’s Bible Clubs in the City are terrific! 5-Day Bible Clubs are some of the only Biblical instruction these kids get all year. And when you reach a child, you reach their family too!

At the Beach:

We use fluorescent paint under a black-light for evening beach evangelism, and it’s fantastic. It’s not uncommon to gather crowds of 100 people. It’s also a very friendly environment for Christians to get their feet wet in evangelism.

On Campus:

University students are thinking about spiritual things, and when we make ourselves available to them, there’s lots of great fruit that comes of it.

At Camp:

Summer Camp and Snow Camp are both outstanding venues to reach kids and teens with advanced Bible teaching. Many of the kids do not come from church-attending homes.

Sports Outreach:

Sports programs, like basketball or soccer seminars, are great for reaching kids and parents multiple weeks in a row for devotionals before the game.

School Chapels:

School Chapel Services are a lot of fun! It can be a tough audience because they hear a different Chapel Speaker every week. Still, God’s Word is powerful, and it’s an honor to plant gospel seeds into young minds.

Special Events:

This photo was taken at a “Men’s Night Out” event. Venues like this offer a place where Christians can invite their unsaved friends. What a Mission Field!!!

Teaching Evangelism:

It’s exciting to reach out to the Lost, but perhaps it’s even BETTER to build up, equip, and encourage OTHER CHRISTIANS to face their fears and evangelize. And nearly every time the Christians tell us that evangelizing was so much easier than they thought. So we spend a lot of time training followers of Christ to be more effective Ambassadors for Jesus.

Church Events:

God ordained the Local Church to reach out to the world. And we love to help Local Churches any way we can at their outreaches, special events, VBS, etc.

Sermon Preaching:

What an honor to open God’s Word and present it to God’s people. We’re always humbled when invited to come to Churches to teach from the Bible.

We have two goals in our calling as Missionaries:

To Biblically and lovingly share the gospel of Jesus Christ with the lost

The Gospel of Jesus Christ “is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek” (Romans 1:16).

Sadly, many people won’t seek out a Church, or Christian media. We need to go to them!

We’re excited to be a part of an organization like Open Air Campaigners, because for over 100 years, OAC has been going out to where the people are to engage them with the claims of Jesus Christ in a loving, Biblical, urgent manner.

To come alongside, encourage, and equip Christians to share their faith and see God work as they have never imagined

One of our core values is to not just go out there and share our faith, but to come alongside Christians to help them share their faith too.

We want to be a “cheerleader,” so to speak, on behalf of evangelism. We have found great joy in stepping out in faith and engaging a stranger or a loved one in a gospel conversation. We’ve seen others who initially said they wanted nothing to do with evangelism leap for joy after seeing God work through them!

Evangelism is good news for Christians! When we trust God and intentionally engage with an unsaved person, God does amazing things. And that should be no wonder since Jesus Himself said that He came to “seek and save the lost” (Luke 19:10).