I maintained this website during the 14 years I was a Missionary.
Since there’s still helpful resources here, I’m keeping the site up even though I’m no longer in full-time vocational ministry.
I pray and believe that you will find lots of helpful resources to equip and encourage you to be a more effective Ambassador for Jesus!
Jesus is still seeking and saving the Lost, and he’s still using people like you and me to do it, and that is very exciting!!!
How much do you have to hate someone to withhold the greatest news from them?
Sadly, many people won’t seek out a Church, or Christian media. We need to go to them!
We’re excited to be a part of an organization like Open Air Campaigners, because for over 100 years, OAC has been going out to where the people are to engage them with the claims of Jesus Christ in a loving, Biblical, urgent manner.
We want to be a “cheerleader,” so to speak, on behalf of evangelism. We have found great joy in stepping out in faith and engaging a stranger or a loved one in a gospel conversation. We’ve seen others who initially said they wanted nothing to do with evangelism leap for joy after seeing God work through them!
Evangelism is good news for Christians! When we trust God and intentionally engage with an unsaved person, God does amazing things. And that should be no wonder since Jesus Himself said that He came to “seek and save the lost” (Luke 19:10).